Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What you see on TV..

Since I have been diagnosed with Epilepsy the overall "awareness" has not been great.  In recent years and over the past few months I have seen commercials reaching out to people with Epilepsy.  Unfortunately, the broad delivery through television commercials is not always a favorable message or even a clear one. Watching one I was left wondering what the advertiser was trying to convey.

This commercial comes on and first I see a neurologist, sitting in his chair similarly to that of a therapist and in the next frame you see a a sad, confined man just staring out of his window as he watched a parade go by.  Insinuating if this person went to the neurologist he would be able to participate in the parade or be a spectator.  Unfortunately, I believe that analogy falls short of the "real life" story and was rather disturbing. 

It was the opposite for me.  I had began to have seizures at 18.  I actually was quite a happy and healthy individual besides those episodes every now and again.  I was in college at the time and they did interrupt my life and did see a neurologist(s) - seven over time in fact.  Here's the thing, once you see the neurologist and are placed on very strong medicines which may or may not prevent seizures, you may be that man in the window watching the parade go by.  Why?  Because the medicines have for me and others I have spoken to, altered your mind and your body.  This topic of medicine is for an entirely different blog.  I will tell you, it took me until I found my 7th neurologist to LISTEN to how I felt on different medicines and finally found a combination and now ultimately ONE prescription to live with!

So back to the commercials.  The next few all concentrated on the medicinal side effects should you take or have taken "X" in the past.  Well, isn't that comforting?  More and more of these drugs are popping up that they may cause serious harm to you if you or someone you know has taken them.  Class action law suits are being implemented. Especially for women who may bare a child and this child may have severe birth defects due to the usage of these medicines.  Oddly enough, some of these Epilepsy medicines are also being cross marketed for their "side effects".  They are given to patients who may suffer from depression, obesity, etc. 

People need be aware with Epilepsy the grand scope of getting a healthier life.  Talk with your neurologist and discuss the good and bad of what you put into your body.  Have the doctor explain which medicines are more current or maybe more safe.  Raise the discussion of these recently public class action lawsuits.  If you would like to be a mother or father someday - ask if there is potential risk with this prescription given to you.  Make yourself your first line of defense.  If you are unable, reach out to family or a patient advocate somewhere. If your doctor does not know and doesn't want to have that conversation about their ongoing therapy for you, you may not have the right "medicine" sitting in front you!